PerMaT-RP is a web platform for the performance management in projects that allows you to control the amount of hours worked in the development of a project and generate the justifications on the compliance of personnel time required by the funder.
Main features
Automatic planning of the performance time of the participants in projects, considering the work on other projects, other productive activities, absences and public holidays.
Daily recording of the performance of the researchers by introducing the hours actually worked in each project they participate.
Control and monitoring in real-time of projects by justification period, and their justification by monthly timesheets, in compliance with current regulations (Seventh Framework Programme -FP7-, Horizon 2020 -H2020-...).
Control and monitoring of the personnel costs charged to the project according to the performance recordings.
Other features
To support these features, PerMaT-RP also includes tools for:
Management of project information. Management by justification period and workpackages according to their type of activity -RTD, Demonstration, Management, Other...-.
Personnel management. PerMaT-RP requires as input a minimal set of employment data: contract dates, working week, professional category, cost per effective hour.
Comprehensive management of other activities of the researchers by means of a personal work schedule: other productive activities -teaching, management, participation in workshops, conferences...- and absences -sick leave, annual leave...-.
Work calendar management. Customization of the work calendar in each work centre.
File storage (including the generated timesheets) in a secure repository.
Management and customization of the tool: functional parameters and auxiliary data -funders (such as, for example, the European Commission), funding programmes and timesheet formats (Seventh Framework Programme -FP7-, Horizon 2020 -H2020-, customised)...
User management. Various roles to meet the requirements of any entity.
Interoperability with the customer's corporate databases relating to project and personnel information.